AI in the Automobile sector, GPS in Automobile, Drawbacks of AI” “Disadvantages of AI” “Autonomous Vehicles

Ms. Kumkum Sharma, JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus, Greater Noida

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The growth of the automotive industry is driven due to rise in autonomous vehicles as it increases the convenience features and user friendly for the consumers. It consists of both production and selling of commercial motor vehicles, passenger cars, and three or two-wheelers including trucks and farm equipment. In 2020 India held the world’s fifth-largest position in the automobile industry, with the seventh-largest commercial vehicle manufacturer in the world in 2019 and soon to become the third-largest vehicle market by reaching Rs 16.16-18.18 trillion (US$ 251.4-282.8 billion) in 2026. It helps the manufacturer to work at prime performance levels by enabling, monitoring, efficiency, and precision in the process of manufacturing of parts and also being integrated into the final product of Automobile. In this Article MsKumkum Sharma of JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus, Greater Noida has examined that primarily AI has been used to solve complex problems but now for advancement of auto technology and benefit as a substitute of human workers and that leads to adversely affect to our body and can be dangerous enough to take our lives which we ignore due to non-awareness of it.



 The automobile industry is booming around the country. It consists of both production and selling of commercial motor vehicles, passenger cars, and two-wheelers including trucks and farm equipment. In 2020 India held the world’s fifth-largest position in the automobile industry, with the seventh-largest commercial vehicle manufacturer of the world in 2019 and soon to become the third-largest vehicle market by reaching Rs 16.16-18.18 trillion (US$ 251.4-282.8 billion) in 2026.

The growth of the automotive industry is driven due to rise in autonomous vehicles as it increases the convenience features and user friendly for the consumers. Artificial Intelligence is used in the automobile sector from the process of manufacturing automobile parts to the final product. It helps the manufacturer to work at prime performance levels by monitoring, and precision in the manufacturing process of parts and also been integrated into the final product of automobile. The use of AI in manufacturing vehicles is cost-effective and provides a safer and more efficient factory floor. In end product predictive maintenance facility also provided by employing machine algorithm with intelligent transport systems which help to predict the issue by maintaining the past occurrence of issues, for instance, the sensors of the car indicates overheating, friction or noise. It also predicts the breakdown of the specific part of a vehicle. So the driver can be aware and take precautionary measures by the inspection of the vehicle.

Application of AI is limited to autonomous vehicles only?

In non-autonomous vehicles, AI keeps us safe, on time, and connected when we drive by our own. Features of AI in non-autonomous vehicles areas:

  1. Driving Features: AI can identify all emergencies by monitoring with the help of sensors in autonomous vehicles. It also alerts the driver or automatically after identifying the danger takes emergency control of the vehicle whenever requires to avoid an accident.
  2. Cloud Services: Artificial intelligence in cloud platforms ensures the availability of data by monitoring hundreds of sensors in vehicle. AI can also identify the defects in vehicle before lead to severe damages or dangerous accidents.
  3. Manufacturing Process: AI is not only modernizing the vehicle it is also modernizing its manufacturing process of it. The robot who helps to assemble vehicles since the 60s. Now smart robots work by substituting humans, rather than just aiding them.
  4. Driver Monitoring: Through the advancement of AI in Auto sector we are not just able to  

 watch the road but can also can also monitor on the driver’s actions as well.

  1. Automotive Insurance: AI assists to fasten the process of claiming the insurance when accidents occur. 

How Artificial Intelligence does adversely affect consumers’ lives in the automobile sector?

Artificial intelligence used to solve complex problems, advancement of auto technology, and to make our  life comfortable but it affects us adversely and can be dangerous enough to take our lives which we ignore due to non-awareness of it. These are such as:

  1. Black-box problem:  AI models work after extensive training, which means acquiring large databases. There is growing concern that biased training data can be loaded. As It remains tough to identify how AI models make decisions. This Black-box problem remains the biggest issue in every sector.
  2. Manufacturing defects: The problems with the design and functionality of the cars are one of the top causes of car accidents on the road. Common Automobile defects such as:- 

2.1 Airbags: The sensors of the airbag can fail to correctly detect the impact or deployment of the airbag that may lead to injuries on the body, as the outcome of improper design, testing, or process of installation of sensors, or due to software failure. Defective electrical parts of the vehicle can also impact signal communication between sensors and airbags.

2.2 Seat belt defects: Seat belts are designed to keep us in place during an accident, but when the seat belt is too loose, tight, or poorly constructed, it could fail. Defective seat belts can cause sudden damage to the body, fatal injuries. These injuries may lead to permanent disabilities and can change a consumer’s life forever.

2.3 Structural defects: Automobiles might come with slight defects that make us less safe, that are not apparent to the eye. A structural defect is a broad term that covers many potential issues like a weak roof, poorly constructed frame, door locks that fail, or a seatback that fails to properly protect a user in severe accidents.

2.4 Design defects: defective design of the vehicle or a specific part of the vehicle can cause devastating injuries. Whether the defect can be in any part of the design like tires, seatbacks, brakes, or fuel tanks, crashes and explosions become more likely when the vehicle design is defective.

2.5 Technical system failures: The technical systems in vehicles collects information with a network of sensors, then analyze and determine what makes the functioning of the automobiles safe and efficient. If a car technical system fails to determine correctly the default in technical system on time, than it can lead to the dangerous accidents.

  1. Use of automobiles: Using an automobile for a longer duration can cause a suffocation-like feeling called hypoxia. The air circulation in the car creates a lack of oxygen inside the car. A person can also die inside the car to take a nap while the AC of the car is on. The car’s engine produces gases like carbon monoxide which can be deadly in closed spaces. It replaces the oxygen in your blood, leading to a slow death by deficiency of supply of oxygenated blood in the body.
  2. Misuse of GPS tracker: the poorly protected tracker, thieves could easily find a car’s location, allowing them to discover where the owner lives, where they work, and even where their kids go to school. Even Hackers could get the tracker to send out a false location. And they could even disable the tracker by tampering with its software. So that the owner and police would have no way to track the car when stolen. Or even worse, thieves could even misdirect the police. Violation of consumer privacy opens people up to dangers like stalking, theft, hacking, and other crimes


To sum up, what had been stated so far AI makes our life easier and more convenient but substituting humans for AI or too much dependency on it can lead do be dangerous enough to take our lives. We should ensure the proper extensive care while using it. The consumers of the automobiles sector should learn safety driving, training standard vehicle maintenance; installing fleet safety programs and adherence to road safety rules provided by the Indian government can be helpful to enjoy life. 


  1. It-Jim, Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Automotive Industry, available at Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Automotive Industry – It-Jim ( Last visited on 02.02.2022).
  2., How can an abuser misuse GPS technology, July 2017, available at visited on 02.02.2022)

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